
About Yoghurt is Blue

Hello i'm Paola

I am self-motivated and passionate about design, research and the human-centred approach.

“Yoghurt is blue…Apples. especially the sour ones, are silver…The water of the pool is white… These are the words of blind Tibetan children who have never seen color in their lives.”- Colors Magazine, Issue 72 Without Colors. Dedicated to the blind and visually impaired.

With more than 10 years working in the design profession working with clients in the public, private and voluntary sectors I have built up a diverse portfolio of client work (you can view more of my design work at under my studio partnership).  I enjoy working and collaborating with good and interesting people and love seeing my work add value to people’s lives beyond capital value.

Throughout my working life I have tried to instill my vision, values and ethos into how and who I work with. Consequently I am motivated by the fact that my work may ultimately do some good in the wider social context and that I can create beautiful solutions that meet the needs of the user involved.

Let’s talk

I am always looking for new challenges and interesting partners.
Please say hello!



Some of the people I’ve worked with…


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