

Support tool


Support Tool


Support Tool

In 2016/17 I undertook a service design assignment at Iriss where I was associate service designer working with Rhiann McLean a project manager, and the Glen Isla project, a women’s criminal justice centre based in Arbroath, to enhance relational approaches.

Buddy was co-designed by women and practitioners from the Glen Isla project, it was developed based on evidence from across women’s criminal justice services, including Glen Isla, that beginning the journey into the criminal justice system can be very challenging. However, we know that this is not an issue that is unique to women’s criminal justice. New beginnings can be hard no matter the setting, so we hope that people from across health and social care services can benefit from using Buddy.

Over the course of the project I facilitated three workshops to co-design a tool to support relationships, focusing on the aforementioned issue of new beginnings. The co-design workshops helped to define areas in the service provision where there could be opportunities for future innovation and ideation.

Using workshop tools like persona profiles, journey mapping and collages etc. helped steer the creation of a design intervention – the Buddy support tool along with the creation of user experience scenarios which we were able to prototype for user feedback.  We were also able to draw on the women’s unique experience of the service which they saw as different to the practitioner expertise and it made them reflect on their own personal journeys and how far they had come.

Buddy is an activity based tool that aims to support people accessing services, at the start of their journey. It consists of 24 cards designed to be used by somebody with lived experience of the service (Supporter), and somebody entering the service (Buddy), to help alleviate fears and overcome barriers by sharing experiences and developing plans together. It promotes celebration of personal achievement as an incentive to continue on the journey.

With further refinement we were able to release the Buddy support tool publicly via the Iriss website at the end of March (2017) and now await to see the results and feedback.


“I like the sense of validation…this is our group even though we were made to come here at the beginning as part of a sentence…It’s our group and what our thoughts and opinions matter” – Woman Participant


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