Crichton Carbon Centre
Graphic Design, IllustrationCrichton Carbon Centre

The Crichton Carbon Centre is currently delivering a sustainability/resource efficiency programme to SME’s across western Scotland to help them save money by showing them how they can use their resources more efficiently and help them to reduce overall energy, waste and water consumption within these businesses. To help them raise awareness amongst SME staff members they were looking for the creation of 15 posters and 3 sets of stickers that companies could then utilise and display appropriately around their premises. They were looking for funky, fun, engaging and eye-catching designs that would encourage people to read the posters and not fall into the clichéd and overdone messages of ‘saving the planet or images of the mother earth’. The posters covered a variety of themes which were fairly diverse and which would be familiar and specific to a variety of industries including engineering firms, retail, accommodation, etc. The resultant artwork is contemporary and fun and steers clear of the usual imagery used to convey sustainable messages. The posters also make use of the Crichton Carbon Centre brand through use of their corporate typefaces and alignment to make them accessible to a wide audience. The posters are now being rolled out to SME’s across Dumfries & Galloway, North Ayrshire and West Dunbartonshire regions and the Crichton Carbon Centre are very happy with the resultant artwork.