
NHS Fife

Design Research, Graphic Design

The Department of Strategic Clinical Change and Development at NHS Fife had developed an innovative series of electronic clinical pathways which visualise patient movement within the hospital environment. This would enable members of staff to review clinical practise and maximise efficiency.

Working as the lead designer we were commissioned to undertake the design of a series of original pictograms (more than a hundred), the build of pathways and online portal to represent a wide range of situations from patient self care to hospital clinics etc.

The client now has a professional system in place that is in keeping with the NHS brand. Usability issues are at the core here through the creation of a unique series of pictograms that can be added to and used to communicate clinical processes in an effective and clear manner.


Following successful application in a number of departments, including A&E, mapping now forms the accepted first stage in any service redesign in NHS Fife.

Overall, the design of the clinical pathways, user portal and accompanying pictogram series has helped contribute to NHS Fife reduce waiting times in A&E and outpatient clinics in line with local and national performance targets.

The Organisation is also better placed to assess its future workforce and training needs, using specially-designed modelling tools to predict service demands, monitor waiting lists and determine actions to maintain performance levels.

There is also potential for other regions to utilise tools and methodologies.


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