


Website and Social platform


MDes Research Report


Mini-guide tool

According to the last census, Leith happens to be the area with the largest density population in Scotland due to the tenement housing that makes up much of the housing stock in the area.

People often live cheek by jowl but alone and apart together which can also lead to issues of loneliness and social isolation. Edinburgh also happens to be one of the loneliest cities in the UK. Loneliness and social isolation need to be taken seriously as they have big health ramifications that can lead to depression, low self-esteem and even premature mortality.

Neighbourli seeks to address some of these issues within tenement living by providing a platform to act as an ice-breaker for neighbours to begin interacting with each other through an online and offline guide. This includes the use of a physical tool kit where neighbours can share resources and skills. Ultimately Neighbourli wants people to get to know their neighbours in more meaningful, fun and creative ways.


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